In today’s society, digital screens are everywhere. From young children doing schoolwork on computers and playing games on tablets, to teenagers glued to their cellphones or video games, and adults working from home on laptops, the digital world has become an integral part of modern life. However, the increased screen time comes with a downside: digital eye strain, also known as Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS).
CVS refers to a collection of eye-related problems caused by prolonged use of digital devices.
Poor Posture: Viewing screens at improper angles can lead to discomfort and strain.
Outdated Eyeglasses: Using old prescriptions that are no longer accurate can cause unnecessary eye strain and discomfort.
Uncorrected Vision Problems: Many individuals are unaware that they need glasses or the correct prescription, leading to strain on the visual system.
Common symptoms of CVS include blurry vision, headaches, dry or irritated eyes, and neck, back, or shoulder pain.